The film is a strange and anti-hero transposition of a very popular animated manga cartoon in the 80's called Stell Jeeg. Here, a young outlaw (Enzo) is somehow affected by radioactive waste in the Tiber waters in Rome. He subsequently finds out he has gained super powers and interprets them as a reward for never having managed to enter the criminal world that counts. The inside joke reveals itself when Enzo meets Alessia, who believes the charming hero is the personification of the hero in the cartoon she used to watch. 恩佐·切克迪(Enzo Ceccotti)接触了辐射物质,之后忽然间发现了他的超能力。作为一个内向的人,经过冥思苦想,他确信他的新能力可以帮他从事犯罪活动,然而当他遇到阿莱西亚( Alessia)时, 一切都改变了,阿莱西亚使他坚信他是来自日本著名漫画的英雄,钢铁吉克。 《他们叫我吉克》是2016年在意大利反响最热烈、获奖最多的一部影片。导演融合了科幻,连环画,喜剧,都市悬疑等元素,吸引了众多影评家的注意力,让那些喜欢非常规叙事的观众收获了巨大的惊喜。Gabriele Mainetti对不同元素的混搭也是对日本动漫,意大利喜剧片以及现实题材的电影的一次致敬。